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#Big Three

Personnel included :-

Brian "Griff" Griffiths - guitar/vocals

Johnny "Gus" Gustafson - bass/vocals

Johnny "Hutch" Hutchinson - drums


The Big Three were possibly the most highly respected musicians of all the Liverpool groups. They evolved from a group called Cass & The Cassanovas which were formed in the late 50's by Brian Casser. Although originally a four-piece outfit, by 1959 they had slimmed down to a trio comprising of Casser (guitar/vocals), Adrian Barber (guitar) and Johnny Hutchinson (drums). In need of a bass guitarist, Hutchinson brought in Johnny Gustafson. At that time Gustafson didn't have a guitar so Barber converted an acoustic for him.

Late in 1960, Casser left the group and moved to London reducing them to a trio again.In January 1961 the Cassanovas re-emerged as the Big Three. Despite being a three-piece they were one of the loudest bands in Liverpool due to Barber's talents in the electronics field. He built the band giant amps, standing over five feet high, which were nicknamed "coffins".

Brian Epstein signed them to his sable and sent them over to Hamburg. It was during that trip that Brian Griffiths joined the group, Barber left, and the best-known line-up of the Big Three was established. Their musicianship and attack were legendary and they exerted a considerable influence on their contemporaries.

Epstein arranged for them to audition for Decca Records and they recorded "Some Other Guy". The group were not happy with the recording and appalled when they were told that Decca would be releasing it and wouldn't allow them a proper recording session so they could perform the song they way they wished it to be played.

Instead of understanding why the Big Three were so popular - because of their aggressive sound, their wildness, their casual appearance on stage - he put them into suits and began to dilute their sound, choosing lightweight pop numbers and insisting, against their wishes, that they record them.

The Big Three and Epstein terminated their partnership in July 1963, but the damage had been done. Gustafson and Griffiths quit, and with drummer Ian Broad from Rory Storm & the Hurricanes formed the Seniors and left for Germany. Hutchinson replaced them with Faron and Paddy Chambers from Faron's Flamingo's.

By mid-'64 their days were numbered. Paddy Chambers left and was replaced by Paul Pilnick from the All Stars. Pilnick only stayed a short time before moving on to Tony Jackson & the Vibrations. Hutchinson received an offer to join Kingsixe Taylor & the Dominoes but declined, opting insted to hang up his drumsticks.

Their best memorial is probably the E.P. "Live At The Cavern", actually recorded in 1963 and featuring the classic Griffiths/Gustafson/Hutchinson line-up, which conveys something of the excitement they created in their heyday.



Mar '63

Some Other Guy/Let True Love Begin

Decca F 11614


Jun '63

By The Way/Cavern Stomp

Decca F 11689


Oct '63

I'm With You/Peanut Butter

Decca F 11752


Jun '64

If You Ever Change Your Mind/You've Got To Keep Her Under Your Hand

Decca F 11927





Jul '64

Live At The Cavern - What'd I Say?/Don't Start Running Away/Zip A Dee Doo Dah/Reelin' And Rockin'

Decca DFE 8552




Cavern Stomp - Some Other Guy/I'm With You/Let True Love Begin/By The Way/Cavern Stomp/Peanut Butter/Bring It On Home To Me (aka If You Ever Change Your Mind)/What'd I Say/Don't Start Running Away/Zip A Dee Doo Dah/Reelin' And Rockin'/You've Got To Keep Her Under Hand


Besorols: zene

Tma: rockzene

Szerkesztk: Kiko, Gabi, Judit

Induls: 2006. 09. 20.

jraindts: 2007. prilis 22.

Stilisztikai szerkeszt (fejlc, rockgazatok a foldalon): Gabi 

Tartalami szerkesztk: Kiko s Judit


Az oldal egyik zensszel sem ll kapcsolatban, nem trsoldala egyikk hivatalos, vagy hivatalos rajongi oldalnak sem.


A biogrfik Gabi gyjtemnybl szrmaznak. A hrek zenei oldalakrl, egyb mdiahelyekrl (jsgok, rdi, televzi) szrmaznak, mg az itt lthat dolgok sajt ksztsek.


A biogrfik egy rsze ajnos csak angolul kerlt fel a honlapra, de lehetsgeink szerint igyekeztnk magyarul felrakni a fontosabb egyttesek trtneteit. Azrt, hogy mely bandk/eladk tallhatak itt mag, lgyszves ne reklamlj! termszeteen prblunk minl tbb adatra szert tenni. Felelssget rtk semmilyen formban nem vllalunk.

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