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#Andrew Sisters

Mostly remembered for their music, rich in sweetness and optimism, the Andrews Sisters were loved by the many troops they tirelessly entertained during World War II. During their career, the amazing trio recorded more than 1,800 songs and sold over 90 million records. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Andrews Sisters began their music careers when they were still in their teens. In 1932, they began singing accompanied by the Larry Rich Orchestra. Together, they toured the Midwest and performed in vaudevilles. Another group of sisters, the Boswell Sisters, of New Orleans, influenced the Andrews Sisters' Dixieland style. Soon, the Andrews trio broadened their style to include ballads of the swing era, South American dance songs, boogie woogie and other novelty sounds.

They had Patty as the lead soprano, Maxene as the second soprano and LaVerne completed the sound with a resonant contralto or bass. In 1937, they were discovered by Dave Kapp, who heard them over a taxi cab radio in 1937 during a live band remote, signed them to Decca Records. Levy who acted as their manager would later marry Maxene. The sisters' big break came in 1938 with Bei Mir Bist du Schoen, a Yiddish tune, which became the first  million selling record for an all-female group. Between the late 1930s and the 1940s, the group was a frequent heard tune on the radio. Some of their songs included: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Rum and Coca Cola and Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree. The sisters even performed with other popular artists such as Bing Crosby, Les Paul, Burl Ives, Danny Kaye, Carmen Miranda, Guy Lombardo, Ernest Tubbs, and the Glenn Miller Orchestra.

They also made 17 films such as In the Navy, Buck Privates and Follow the Boys, in which they usually portrayed themselves. Economic success followed the trio's popularity. In 1954, Patty left the group to try a solo career. A year later, Maxene followed her sister's steps. However, the separation did not last long. The sisters reunited in 1956 and made a pledge to stay together. In the following years, the trio's popularity kept strong as they continued to perform the old favorites and a few added new songs. In 1966, LaVerne had to retire due to poor health. She died of cancer the following year. Patty and Maxene continued to perform with Joyce de Young. Maxene became an instructor of drama and vice president of planning and development at Tahoe Paradise College. In 1970, Patty Andrews appeared in a stage musical, Victory Canteen, written by Milt Larsen and Bobby Lauher, with music by Richard and Robert Sherman. The success of the small Los Angeles show caught the attention of Kenneth Waissman and Maxine Fox, the producers of Grease.

They optioned the musical, but it was rejected as a Broadway show. After the success of Victory Canteen, the Sherman's teamed with Will Holt to write Over Here! a musical about the World War II homefront, staring Patty and Maxene Andrews. The musical was billed as The Andrews Sisters in Over Here! and opened March 6, 1974 at the Shubert Theater in New York, and closed on January 4, 1975, after 341 performances. The cast also included Marilu Henner, Treat Williams, Ann Reinking, and John Travolta. The Andrews Sisters were more than a music group. With their cheerful songs and optimistic mood, the three sisters gave hope to an entire country trying to survive the hardships of war. It was that devotion that made them "America's Wartime Sweethearts."


Besorols: zene

Tma: rockzene

Szerkesztk: Kiko, Gabi, Judit

Induls: 2006. 09. 20.

jraindts: 2007. prilis 22.

Stilisztikai szerkeszt (fejlc, rockgazatok a foldalon): Gabi 

Tartalami szerkesztk: Kiko s Judit


Az oldal egyik zensszel sem ll kapcsolatban, nem trsoldala egyikk hivatalos, vagy hivatalos rajongi oldalnak sem.


A biogrfik Gabi gyjtemnybl szrmaznak. A hrek zenei oldalakrl, egyb mdiahelyekrl (jsgok, rdi, televzi) szrmaznak, mg az itt lthat dolgok sajt ksztsek.


A biogrfik egy rsze ajnos csak angolul kerlt fel a honlapra, de lehetsgeink szerint igyekeztnk magyarul felrakni a fontosabb egyttesek trtneteit. Azrt, hogy mely bandk/eladk tallhatak itt mag, lgyszves ne reklamlj! termszeteen prblunk minl tbb adatra szert tenni. Felelssget rtk semmilyen formban nem vllalunk.

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